Our young lawyer had his first day in court. Last night, his dad said it just didn't seem right for Seth to be having such a big "first" and us not be there. He compared it to his first tee-ball game. His first soccer game or his first basketball game at the "Y."
I thought about his first, little preschool program. Or his first solo. That first solo was of a song called, "Little Toy Trains." I thought about the first time he spent the night away from home. And about his first dance. I thought about the first time he took the car out by himself after he got his license. I laid on his bed that night, not wanting to leave his room. I just wanted to be close to him.
I felt that way today. I think I probably always will.
And though I wasn't there, I know he was the most handsome lawyer in the building!
We are extremely proud of Seth for all the hard work and discipline it took to get him to this place. We are also thankful to God for all Seth's talents. And all the opportunities He has made for him.
And, now Ethan's "first."
Today he voted in his first presidential general election.

Florida has early voting and we took advantage of it.

The poll workers were very helpful and made it as easy as possible for him. He was able to vote on a new touch screen machine. And, no waiting.
I'm so proud of Ethan. He realizes what a privilege it is to vote. He knows the cost.
Ethan always wants to watch the last few minutes of the Jim Lehrer Show on PBS. Every night, in silence, they show the Honor Roll. The Honor Roll consists of the faces, names, ages and hometowns of those who have recently died in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I'm proud that Ethan wants to remember.
It was a beautiful day in Florida for voting. And a beautiful day for our family.

Complete with a beautiful, blue sky and white puffy clouds!
Glad you all had a great day. It was indeed and beautiful day in Florida. God is Good. Love You MaryLois