Sunday, April 20, 2008

Remembering A Dad

Last week at my niece’s wedding, my sister’s neighbor came up to Ethan, put her hand on his, looked him in the eye and told him that she prays for him everyday. I believe that she does. A week later, her oldest son drown while saving the life of his 6 year old son who had fallen into a 45 foot waterfall.

We all know about dads who walk out of their children’s lives without ever looking back. We know of mothers who must work two jobs, because the father of their children won’t pay child support. My heart broke today as a friend told me that her husband, who is seeking a divorce, has not seen their precious son in two years. Not long ago, the news was filled with stories about a father that threw his babies off a bridge to their death.

This young dad took his wife, two boys, and his baby girl to a state park for the week of spring break, and there he gave his life for his son. Did he know the cost when he jumped into the falls? Would he have done it if he had known? Although I haven’t seen him in years, I knew him as a little boy, and I knew his dad and I know his mom. Yes. He definitely would have gladly given his life for his son.

As I sat in church today and thought about this dad’s sacrifice and prayed for his family, I thought of the One that laid down His life for me (John 10:15). I pray this little boy whom his dad loved so much, will live knowing how absolutely special and loved he was by the one that gave up his life for him. That knowing this will help to heal his little heart and keep him from living with unfounded guilt. I know this dad would want the life he saved to be full, happy, meaningful.

And the One who laid down His life for me, tells me He wants me to have an abundant life. That’s why He came (John 10:10). No guilt. No shame. An abundance of being loved and of loving.

Dear God, please comfort this family. Strengthen and heal. Be near and do what only You can do.


  1. I agree with you in Jesus name that God will bring comfort both of these families. LOVE YOU MaryLois

  2. How sad! I will add this family to my prayer list. I am so glad you started a blog. I find your faith and hope refreshing, and your email was such a blessing to me. I cried reading it, and I will respond as soon as I get a chance. Love you!

  3. I pray that the God of all comfort will pour out HIS comfort upon this family.
