*****Check out Kelly's blog to read the most precious story about the faith of a young mother. My heart has been so blessed as I have read her posts and have watch the miracle God has done in baby Harper's life.
*****Being a sucker for books of any kind and always looking for the quick fix, Jon's article over at "Stuff Christians Like" really spoke to me.
*****Have you ever heard of Chocolate Gravy? Can you even imagine? Check out BooMama's blog for the recipe!
I'm always finding posts that I can't wait to share with someone. Sometimes it's a really interesting recipe. Sometimes it's a cute idea for a party or a shower. Sometimes it's just someone sharing their heart that blesses and encourages me. Unfortunately, my captive audience of Jim and Ethan isn't usually that excited about my finds.
So, I am adding "Things Too Good Not To Share" to my sidebar. I will be continually updating this post with all the treasures I find as I travel around the blog world. In the future, just ignore the post date as it will only apply to this particular post.
Hope you enjoy!!!