Friday, August 23, 2013


Last night we met Seth for dinner.

He suggested a certain restaurant but we chose to go for a picnic-dinner on the pool deck that overlooks the harbor.

The beauty of the sky told us that we had made a wise decision.

Last night, as we drove into the condo parking lot, we realized that we had forgotten Ethan's wheelchair.

Last night I absolutely hated the fact that my child needs a wheelchair.

Last night there was frustration and disappointment and a dad that walked around the condo complex looking for a way.

And last night the dad found it.

A picnic dinner, not on the pool deck, but at the end of the parking garage.

Last night there was a short transfer from the car. A few borrowed chairs and a couple of small tables from the deck.

Last night there was lots of good food and plenty of love and forgiveness.  And a lot of making the best out of what you have.

And last night there was this view.

Last night our little family sat ten feet from the water's edge and the warm summer breeze blew in our faces. Last night we laughed and shared a few of our family moments with new friends.

Last night I thanked God for His love and grace that kept our family a family of four and for that stupid wheelchair that was waiting for us at home.

 Five Minute Friday


  1. I love stories told in real time! And I love the way you embraced the moment- beautiful. =)

  2. Love stories told in real time and I love that you embraced your moment...with pictures! Beautiful!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Cheri, I found your blog quite randomly via FMF. I noticed the photo of waterfront fireworks which looked strikingly similar to what I see where I live, so I had to "click". I'm so glad I did. Never has a blog post moved me to tears. Still, every time I read this I am overwhelmed. Honestly, I don't think I'll even try to put my emotions into words, but I am thankful that you did....with poignance and eloquence. I suspect that having two grown sons of my own makes your story touch me even more deeply. I look forward to following your journey of grace, hope, and love. From one mom to another....I offer my utmost admiration.
