Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Paddy watching a new day begin.

"Everyday, no how bitter it be, I will say: 
From tomorrow on, I will be sad, but not today."

I keep thinking about the choice a Jewish child of the Holocaust made for a lifetime. One day at a time.

I've made choices for my life. But I realize they aren't choices that I'm making one day at a time.

Maybe that's why I don't see those choices played out in my life. Maybe that's why I forget the choices I've made and what I truly want my life to be.

Maybe I'm storing up my choices, and God's grace to follow through, like the Israelites tried to store up manna in the wilderness.

When the Israelites didn't follow God's directions and they gathered the manna for more than one day, it rotted. (Exodus 16:19)

When I fail to make choices day to day, no matter how good they are and how sincere I am, they seem to wind up rotting too.

So today I am making some choices. Choices for forever but made one day at a time.

Today I will accept the forgiveness that You gave me through Your death on the cross and remember that You gave me the perfect life You lived and that my broken, sin-filled, busted-up life died with You on the cross.

Today I will give thanks for my family and their health and their safety and the redemptive work You are doing in all of our lives.

Today I will give thanks for the undeserved gifts in my life. The people.  The moments of peace and joy. And for all the material blessings You have given me which are more than enough.

Today, out of the abundance of the love and grace You give to me, I will love and show grace to others. I will be merciful. I will speak words of encouragement to those who are sad and I will weep with them. I will rejoice with those who are rejoicing.

Today, when I am overwhelmed with life and I want to quit, I will put one foot in front of the other and keep going, trusting You with each step.  I will remember that power, perseverance and faith do not come from my strength but from yours.

Today, when I fail, and I will, I will remember my first choice.

 Listen to my prayer and my plea, O LORD my God. 
Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is making 
to You today.
1Kings 8:28

1 comment:

  1. God has surely put us in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Thank you God that we are surrounded by your beauty.
